Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Teens & Online Dating

We all know teens love to share personal information on social networking sites, but how many teens actually sign up for online dating websites? 71% of teens have established some form of online profile. Honestly this is less than what I would have thought it would be. But the scary part is that 58% of teens don't see any danger in posting pictures or other personal information on their profiles.

Also, everyone hears about predators pretending to be teens online in order to get closer to them. The scary part is that 70% of young internet users will except a friend request whether they know the person or not. Its sad to say, but most of us are guilty of this. There have been many people who add me on Facebook who I just except because we have mutually friends, and when I go back and look at their profile I have no idea who the hell that person is.

One website went as far as to say online pedophiles are up by 300%. I think they may be a little extreme. With a generation that revolves around ever growing technology, its no surprise that criminals are using those resources to find victims.

1 comment:

  1. i think the text is a bit difficult to read (against the dark background
